Easter is an amazing time of the year. For the Christian, we are reminded of the most significant event in human history: the Resurrection of Christ! We know we can have freedom from sin, bondage, and death because Jesus brought it to us when He arose.
Let us not forget, though, that this was both preceded and followed up by two important events in the life of Christ and thus the Christian. 1 - His final meal with the disciples & His death on the cross. 2 - His triumphant entry on a cloud back into Heaven. The Cross of Jesus is an amazing study. Think about this: He chose to come to Earth to die for our sins KNOWING that He would face the death of a cross, the most torturous punishment ever devised in the wicked heart of man. Read Psalm 22 for a glimpse of the suffering of this type of death. He stayed on the cross until the entire penalty for the sin of all mankind was paid. Thus He cried "It is finished." The work is done. Nothing else need be done to pay for my sin! However, just as any gift must be accepted, so must the gift of His sacrifice for my sin. If you've accepted this free gift, give thanks! And tell others. No good friend would know the cure for the ills of mankind and keep it to himself. Share the message. Invite people to your church the next two weeks as churches all over the world prepare to celebrate the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus. More on the glory flight later...
AuthorThe random thoughts of a pastor of a great church in Northwest Georgia. CategoriesArchives
December 2017